Resilience is about being ready

2018-02-13 11:21 Source:UNISDR AP


The session organised by UNISDR and UN-Habitat focussed on implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the New Urban Agenda and SDG11 on resilient cities and communities and was moderated by veteran urban risk advocate, Violeta Seva, from the Philippines city of Makati, a role model city in the Making Cities Resilient Campaign.

Ms. Seva recalled the beneficial effects of a visit undertaken by Makati officials to Quito which helped in the drafting of Makati Disaster Risk Reduction Master Plan.

Consolate Nakyagaba Kiyingi, representing the municipality of the Ugandan capital, Kampala, said that with the support of ICLEI and UNISDR the city was working a long-term disaster risk management strategy to go with its climate action plan.

Ms. Kiyingi identified key concerns for Kampala as food security due to drought and water shortages which also affect electricity supplies for the capital. The city also suffers from crime, disease outbreaks, floods and collapsing buildings.

Political commitment to disaster risk reduction was a challenge as actions for resilience were not always seen as beneficial to politicians’ interests. The session concluded with the presentation to participants of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign Handbook for Local Government Leaders which is available to download on the UNISDR website.


12 Feb 2018


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific (UNISDR AP)


Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic & Pandemic, Volcano, Wild Fire


Ecuador, Uganda


Africa, Americas, Asia
