Rwanda advances with Sendai Framework

2018-05-03 19:51 Source:UNISDR AF


In September 2017, Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Huye, Bugesera, Ngoma, Kirehe, Gicumbi, Rubavu and Nyabihu provinces were struck by severe storms and rain. At least five people were killed and 24 injured. An estimated 5,850 people from 1,170 households were affected, with 640 families left homeless and vulnerable.

Rwanda’s National Risk Atlas launched in September 2015 is the first-ever comprehensive disaster risk profile developed in Africa to enhance disaster risk management and provides guidance in risk-informed national planning and policy-making on disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

In 2015-2016, Rwanda conducted a lightning risk assessment study which identified measures to reduce lightning impacts. The government has allocated resources to install lightning arresters in the lightning-prone Rutsiro District.

MIDIMAR undertakes continuous capacity development in disaster risk reduction for government officials, communities and volunteers with support from UNDP. In the last five years the government has significantly increased resources to support disaster risk reduction and management. 

“MIDIMAR regularly leads and coordinates annual simulations and drills to ensure rapid and effective response to disasters and related displacement, as appropriate to local needs,” stated Mr. Hishamunda.

Rwanda has also put in place environmental regulations and standards to enforce proper design, construction and use of disaster-resilient building materials and to ensure compliance with building codes which have been updated taking into consideration disaster risk reduction elements.

The all-inclusive nature of effective implementation of the Sendai Framework has been highlighted by Ms. Maria Gemma Dalena, UNDP’s Disaster Risk Reduction Technical Advisor. “The goals of the Sendai Framework can be achieved if countries, governments, local authorities and the most vulnerable communities are enabled and supported to implement activities to act as building blocks towards ensuring disaster risks are reduced and resilience is built,” she said.

As part of public awareness on disasters, MIDIMAR undertakes regular media and social media campaigns.  Rwanda celebrates the International Day for Disaster Reduction every year, as a curtain raiser for a Disaster Risk Reduction Week.


1 May 2018


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa (UNISDR AF)


Environment & Ecosystems, Health & Health Facilities, Governance, Social Impacts & Social Resilience


Flood, Land Slide


